Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Corporate Terrorists are the Untouchables

Corporate terrorism is every bit as real and dangerous as any other type of terrorism, ONLY corporations are untouchable. Neither government, the courts, or even society has been able to defuse the dirty bombs they perpetuate on society. PCB's, dioxin, the most deadly chemicals let loose on the planet deliberately, by greed and cover up. Millions suffer and die as a result.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Not To Fear Global Warming.

Oh the skeptics, there is no global warming. What dose it matter who's right? Before we succumb to global warming we will have run out of fossil fuel, thus ending the debate.The two issues we must address are consumption caused by an every increasing population and depletion caused by an ever increasing population. Only those with food, water and horses will survive. The Comanche's may have been right 100 years ago.

Monday, April 19, 2010

nitro grazing

The filling station of the future. Clean, renewable. The only to the future without oil is found by looking back to a time before oil.nitro grazing video