Sunday, July 25, 2010

Horses v. Corporations

Of the 100 largest entities in the world 51 are corporations. No people, president, congress, or court can interfere with their agenda. We stand and salute a trademark. Our American Mustangs are an infringement to that agenda, as are our oceans, mountain tops, and air. It is essentially all about energy and ironically as capitalism begins its final death throws for lack of energy the one source of energy that served mankind for thousands of years the horse will be gone too. Eventually we will scratch the dirt with our fingers to grow food, walk to our destinations, and fight each other for sustenance all because of corporate greed. God bless America, home of the brave and the land of the once free.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our American Mustangs

The BLM is indiscriminately gathering up Our American Mustangs and in doing so will remove forever the very icon of Our American Freedom in spite of the will of the American people, Congress and the Courts. In an effort to bring even more attention to the issue I think we should refer to what the BLM calls "Wild Horses" as "Our American Mustangs" for they truly are. They have survived here for 500 years often in horrible conditions and adapted. They have been taken and brutalized for centuries by us to help us build this place and when no longer needed they became food for our dogs. Still their social behavior has preserved a few of these rugged American horses and we need to do all we can to insure Our American Mustangs endure even the latest attack by the BLM, so that we may always have the symbol of American Freedom.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Energy v. Jobs

Energy is fundamental to and entrenched in the American way of life and political system. As it runs out our capitalist system will slash and burn our mountains, poison our oceans, warm the climate and decimate all sea and wild life including our Wild Mustangs our very symbol of freedom. I'm afraid all we can do is ride it out, it may turn bloody ... See Moreat some point but in the end the energy will run out. The question is what will remain of this place? We managed 100 years ago without energy and will need to learn how to do it again or at least to use much less. To do that we need to change and abandon "growth and development" and the political catch all phrase "new jobs". We can't employ the whole world.