Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We are sailing on a ship of fools across a great universe. The first class passengers are calling for more speed, more stuff, more money, more, more, more. While we shovel the coal day in and day out into the furnaces as they grow hotter and hotter and some warn they will overheat. BUT before they do the coal runs low, the deck chairs must be burned still we hear more, more. The cabins burned, furniture, and finally the life boats till the ship stalls adrift, no food no water. The greedy few are banished but it doesn't matter for a storm is coming. The ship founders it can only support a few. There is mutiny, mayhem. If only we stoped the greed, turned off the boilers, set sail, landed on an island. There is no magic bullet, capitalism is fueled by energy and is entering its death throws. The planet can only support 1 billion of us without oil. ARE YOU READY?