Saturday, January 30, 2010

My response to ABC's Today Show piesc on Mustangs

To remove the living symbol of American freedom to become dinner for Europeans, would be like scraping the Statue of Liberty for copper for China. The same agency mandated to protect our wild mustangs can not at the same time be expected to manage our public lands for special interests. It's a dilemma. A new agency must be established with their best interest not special interests in mind. Enough lands must be set aside so only nature culls the herds at 50,000 or so. It has taken Wild Mustangs 500 years to become what they are because of their social behavior and environmental stewardship. Once gone it will be forever. Horses originated here over 20 million years ago had the first Americans not eaten them to extinction they might have sailed to Spain in 3 ships. They came back and served us as pioneers, in wars, westerns, rodeos, and even in cans of dog food. Is this how we repay them?

Posted by: horsedrag

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


GOV'T ROUNDUP KILLS MORE WILD HORSES AS HELICOPTER CONTRACTOR RUNS FOAL SO HARD HOOVES DESTROYED AND FOAL KILLED: "America has been over run not by wild horses but corporations. Politicians and judges are but the grooms that stroke them. BUT ultimately capitalism will succumb to the diminishing energy supplies it’s so desperately pursuing by displacing our horses. No energy, no growth, no capitalism, no corporation. 100 years ago we had no oil and horses. 100 years from now we will have no oil or horses. Part of our future may be found by looking back to a time before oil."

Monday, January 25, 2010

STOP cruel BLM round up of WILD HORSES | Ideas for Change in America |

STOP cruel BLM round up of WILD HORSES Ideas for Change in America "The same agency mandated to manage our horses is mandated to manage our land. A dilemma. The BLM is at odds with itself at the demise of our horses over the profits of the land users, energy and cattle. Our wild mustangs must be managed by an agency that has their best interests in mind. One that allocates sufficient lands so that nature culls the herds at some viable level, of 50,000 or more. The real dilemma is that 100 years ago we had no oil and horses. 100 years from now we will have no oil or horses. Capitalism will end as our energy runs out because capitalism relies on growth. The way forward may be found by looking back. At least it must be considered"

Saturday, January 23, 2010

BLM ran colt until hooves fall off and mare dies

"The Big Story
BLM Vet Releases Death Report Confirming Stampede Caused Foal to Loose Hooves
HOUSTON, (Horseback) - The federal Bureau of Land Management confirmed that a foal lost its hooves after a grueling stampede chased by a roaring helicopter.

“The colt's hind feet abscessed and the outer hoof wall did separate,” said Bureau of Land Management spokeswoman JoLynn Worley.

However, Worley challenged details of the Cloud Foundation report of the foal’s death.
“The scenario provided by the Cloud Foundation is full of inaccuracies.” she told Horseback Magazine.
Worley said the horse was taken in an early gather in Nevada’s Calico Mountains.
“The colt is from the Black Rock East HMA, which was the first HMA gathered in the Complex, and was brought in to the Fallon facility more than two
weeks ago”

BLM Vet Report"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

They Were There

They were there in the beginning 20 million years ago.
They were there as food for the first Americans who ate them to extinction.
They were there for the Spanish Conquistadors who first settled here.
They were there for the countless pioneers who plowed, moved their goods and traveled with them.
They were there for the first Americans again to hunt buffalo.
They were there for the army to hunt Indians.
They were there for us in World War 1 and countless of them were shipped overseas for our allies.
They were there for the dogs of America that ate them in cans of dog food.
They were there for the rodeo's, the cow boys, and the movies.
They were there as the symbol on an American automobile.
They were there as the very symbols of Americans freedom.
They were there on their land and we took them for our use and greed, until,
They were there no more.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

To Eat Horses or Ride Em

100 years ago we had no oil and horses. 100 years from now we will have no oil or horses. We must look back to a time before oil if we are to survive the future without it. The only energy will be forests, (they're disappearing to make paper and other products) wind, (mountain tops are being severed off for coal) and horses, (they're being rounded up for greed). Horses have been here for 20 million years and have done more to advance mankind then almost any other thing. Had the original Americans used  them instead of eating them they may have sailed in boats to Europe long before Columbus sailed here. Horses are an energy source that can work all day powered simply by grass. As humans consume all the earth has to offer we better consider saving our wild horses. They breed by survival of the fittest and natural selection, enhance the environment, and are social, which enables them to work with people. This all sounds so far fetched but not that long ago people lived relatively decent lives without oil. What energy is left must be used wisely. We need food, (farms) clean water, and maybe horses if we want to have humans as part of this planet because earth would do just fine without us. Please comment on your feelings of how we will face the future without oil.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Seems freedom in America is synonymous with persecution. How is it the very living symbol of freedom our Wild Mustangs can be rounded up, caged, or even slaughtered? What dose that say about us as a culture? Are we just people that utter hollow feel good words when in reality we are all persecuted by a bureaucracy that is so bloated serving corporations that we the people have nothing but words left? Surely if anyone represents freedom in America it would our president and yet he is unmoved by our Wild Mustangs plight.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

BLM announces yet another wild horse roundup

BLM announces yet another wild horse roundup: "No need to send comments to the BLM or to ask for understanding or logic from our government. America is nothing more then a large corporation serving other large corporations. We are but the fodder, the consumers feeding the monster we created by shopping and using energy. BUT in reality and what someday will come to pass is that the only energy source left to us will be wind, trees, grass and horses. All of which are destined to depletion. Yes even the wind won't be able to serve us as all our mountain tops are being served for coal. Hunker down, get some horses and plant a garden. But remember when the environmental refugees come calling for a hand out we told them so."