Thursday, January 7, 2010


Seems freedom in America is synonymous with persecution. How is it the very living symbol of freedom our Wild Mustangs can be rounded up, caged, or even slaughtered? What dose that say about us as a culture? Are we just people that utter hollow feel good words when in reality we are all persecuted by a bureaucracy that is so bloated serving corporations that we the people have nothing but words left? Surely if anyone represents freedom in America it would our president and yet he is unmoved by our Wild Mustangs plight.


  1. The president is the one person who could help all he is worried about is $$. Freedom yea right. These horses have been here in this world for decadesss... God would NEVER want us to slaughter, abuse, negelect any horse any animal for selfish sick reasons! But here today no one cares they just go on with there day to day life with no thoughts worries about these poor horses, Thanks frank for putting this on. Your a kind hearted horsemen!!

  2. Thanks for the kind comment. So many people have expressed sick thoughts about wanting to hunt, eat, or see our horses removed and slaughtered so Mcdonalds can graze more cows on their land.
