Friday, May 28, 2010


Tell me the difference between Greed fanaticism and Religious fanaticism. The god of greed is corporation its priests are the CEO's the shareholders its flock. We have been molested by some CEO's terrorized, killed maimed, our children are less, cancer has taken hold. Yet they are esteemed by all as the creators of wealth. The shareholders hold them to the task, they must report profits at any cost, buying government, discharging toxins, they sever our mountains, foul our water, until all life forms are compromised. One day to make a statement how evil these corporations are the Religious fanatics took out their twin temples. The evil doers have felt the might of the enraged Greed fanatics that have wrecked havoc on them for ten years while the rest of the world awaits terrorism in the form of human bombers. What in the world is it all about? The terrorists don't want the capitalists yet both destroy in the name of their god. BUT fear not soon the fuel of capitalism, ENERGY will be depleted the religious fanatics will win by default however they too will succumb to the poisons and toxins of the aftermath. In the end the planet will recover and survive only who will be left to know?

Monday, May 24, 2010


When Henry Hudson pushed up the great river it was full of all manor of fish. The forests along its banks were so dense one couldn't force his way in. Great flocks of migrating birds would cloud the sky flying to the great marshes of the Gulf. The air was fresh and sweet with oxygen. The devil offered us a big apple called corporation and we bit into it

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Beware BLM

Beware BLM,  overseer of the Gulf oil, seller of our geothermal lands, remover of our mountain tops, friends of the rich and powerful. Beware you have awakened a force like never seen before. A force so strong every politician is vulnerable. Oh BLM, how dare you claim to be keepers of our horses, running them to death, severing them from their land, gelding them, and breaking our hearts. How dare you. Oh but wait BLM a force more powerful than anything that ever rocked this nation is bubbling up like a caped volcano, a calamity, a wave of hot lava is sure to burn every one soiled by your dastardly deeds. Beware politicians the BLM has lit the fuse, there is nothing worse then a woman scorned.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Are we desperate for energy? The BLM is selling our geothermal land in Nevada, our oil in the Gulf, and our mountain tops in Appalachia. Our horses, fish, and people have became expendable so the Wall Street fat cats can eat steak. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A New Court

Time to treat Corporate CEO's that kill and mamie for greed as terrorists, and the shareholders financially responsible for whatever damage to the environment, animals, or people. For that to happen we need a Court. Not a Federal Court because they are benign as the rest of government at regulating corporate crime, but a court of the people, by the people and for the people. A lottery of a number of people should be held and 3 judges nominated. Then a jury picked by lottery. Federal Law already in effect would likely be sufficient to prosecute the evil doers.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Whats yours is mine and mine is yours.

BLM, BP's oil is adrift in the Gulf now its ours. BLM, our Mustangs were loose in the wild now their yours.  BLM, the American had enough devastation, for the greed of others.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

SS Earth

We must first consider the Earth as a ship floating on the ocean space. It is on a coarse to some unknown destination the wheelhouse is locked. We the crew the tiered, poor, huddled masses shovel the coal into the ever consuming boilers. The once limitless coal bins are beginning to empty. The water tanks are fouling, yet the captain, officers and first class passengers want more speed, more water, more food. Alas, more and more of us fill the holds and shovel the coal and eat the food and poop into the holding tanks ever consuming every thing on board. It reminds me of a John Wayne movie when every thing was burned in the boilers, the furniture, the doors, and ultimately the life boats. There's mutiny, disease, fighting over everything. The fog is rolling in the firers are dying were adrift. We are indeed on a ship of fools. And when the last one of us sips the last of the water, and eats the last crumb of bread and breathes the last breath of clean air he will wonder, did we all have to be so human.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

End of Freedom

The End of Freedom


They were here first the oceans their only boundaries. They prepared the land for us, but when we came we hunted them almost to extinction. Some escaped to Europe and mankind learned to partner with them. 500 years ago they came back in the bellies of ships, only the strong survived, the rest thrown overboard. They helped build this country, plowing fields, moving people and goods. Two million were sent to war, two hundred came back. They rounded up the cattle, rodeo'ed, stared in movies, fed our dogs and to thank them we gave them some badlands with little water. They survived and represent American grit and freedom. Now one man, the head of the BLM with oversight of the Gulf oil spill is rounding them up. Dose he really have time for our Mustangs? How ironic, the very oil that replaced horses is running out. Our desperation to get is is apparent. Will we have a future with no oil or horses, or will he plow our fields? CONGRESS return our Mustangs to the land designated to them in the 1971 law. Every Mustang removed, gelded, penned, and slaughtered is an abomination to our freedom and future.