Friday, May 28, 2010


Tell me the difference between Greed fanaticism and Religious fanaticism. The god of greed is corporation its priests are the CEO's the shareholders its flock. We have been molested by some CEO's terrorized, killed maimed, our children are less, cancer has taken hold. Yet they are esteemed by all as the creators of wealth. The shareholders hold them to the task, they must report profits at any cost, buying government, discharging toxins, they sever our mountains, foul our water, until all life forms are compromised. One day to make a statement how evil these corporations are the Religious fanatics took out their twin temples. The evil doers have felt the might of the enraged Greed fanatics that have wrecked havoc on them for ten years while the rest of the world awaits terrorism in the form of human bombers. What in the world is it all about? The terrorists don't want the capitalists yet both destroy in the name of their god. BUT fear not soon the fuel of capitalism, ENERGY will be depleted the religious fanatics will win by default however they too will succumb to the poisons and toxins of the aftermath. In the end the planet will recover and survive only who will be left to know?

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