Sunday, November 21, 2010


Supreme Court Judge Scalia who wrote the book on “standing & mootness” once wrote that “a person that has standing at the beginning of a case shall have it at the end of the case.” Yet many Judges rule that one can loose standing if the violation is corrected hence the mater becomes “moot.” The problem is a plaintiff as in my case can spend 20 years and spend millions while the violation is corrected often because of the very actions of the plaintiff, then be dismissed on “Summary Judgement.” These cases never see a jury or the light of day, but reside in the bowls of the Court till the outcome benefits the corporate person so it can live forever unlike real persons.  It’s like a reverse double jeopardy. Judges often move mountains to protect capital. Mere Mustangs are expendable as are mountains, clean air, water, and even people.

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