Saturday, December 25, 2010

The energylesss future.

The energy of the future will come from horses, trees, and grass. BELIEVE IT! We are rapidly running out of fossil fuel and nothing will ever take its place, at least not in liquid form. If we continue on a path of consumption it will happen sooner rather then latter but eventually it will happen. Wind, solar panels, tides can only offer but a simmering of the energy needed to support so many of us. The only way forward is found by looking back to a time before oil. The two fuels of the real future will be trees and grass. Trees for shelter, heat and burn to fire steam engines and grass for horses who can work all day fueled by it. And there better be less of all of us. Sorry but 100 years ago we did it 100 years from now we will either learn to re live the past or perish. We might have some electricity but that's about it. There really is NO magic bullet. We need to leave our American Mustangs be, plant billions of trees, and nature grasslands. Cows must give way to farms, sub divisions and strip malls must stop being built and even turned back into land. OR we may have to one day eat little green patties.

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