Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bill Evicted Again

His ancestors once roamed the Americas millions of years before man, the oceans their only boundaries. When men arrived they were almost hunted to extinction but some escaped into Asia and Europe across the land bridge, there people learned to partner with them and they came back in the bellies of ships. They helped build this place plowing our fields, moving our goods and fighting our wars, even one granting Freedom for all. Once no longer needed they were used for dog food but again a few escaped that fate thanks to the American people and one of the biggest letter writing campaigns ever caused President Nixon to grant them their freedom and set aside public lands for them. Unfortunately the BLM is now rounding them up again and only a few remain. Bill was taken as a yearling, branded, gelded and found his way to Connecticut as a pony for a little girl that soon out grew him. He was sold, bought and sold again. we found him at a camp tied to a post on a hot summer day saddled with no water destined for the auction. He is one of the smartest and toughest horses we have and he's naturally gated and one of the most comfortable horses I have ever ridden. He was evicted from one farm, now another so we must move him again. The problem is Bill hates trailers, maybe because one took him from freedom. So we are asking everyone who can that would like to walk with Bill part of the way home to donate $10. For all those that can't be there Bill will carry a bag with everyone's name. We hope that someday Bill and all our rescues will all have a place they can call home, forever.

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