Saturday, February 27, 2010

Are We Corporations?

There seems to be some debate as to whether or not corporations are humans; in the eyes of the law they are. They have the same rights as people in a court of law and the Supreme Court has just given them the right of free speech and empowered them to overrule the votes of we mere citizens, by their financial might, to advertise for their choice. They can lobby and buy political influence and often escape violations of law because they are too big to fail and it goes on and on.

But are they really people?

They may be. Every one of us has foreign chemicals in us and for this discussion I will use the man made chemical PCB. The only chemical banned by an act of Congress because it’s toxic at minute levels but what’s even worse is its ability to alter cells and the fact that because its so foreign to nature doesn’t break down but, bio-accumulates in all living things.

As part of Federal litigation that I’m the plaintiff in was a study by St. Johns University that looked at the toxic effects of PCB’s on cells. PCB’s don’t necessarily kill cells as most toxins do, but alter them (cancer) and once altered are altered into infinity to each new generation. Since we all have PCB’s in us and the likelihood of altered cells that we pass to our offspring can we assume that besides our own DNA we are passing the altered DNA that some corporation caused? Are our children therefore modified by a corporation; almost as if they are a third parent?

Crazy as it seems, our DNA is being altered by the irresponsible and deliberate dumping of these chemicals by corporations who would rather do so then spend the money required to dispose of PCB’s properly. CEO’s must report profits to share holders not excuses or high cost cleanups, so they use their influence and power to escape the legal requirements of handling their toxins that generally are dumped and eventually end up in us.

Our country is more and more run by corporations that have even trespassed into our very beings, and as the economy and jobs take center stage the environment will suffer. Our mountains will be severed for coal, our air and water polluted, global warming, extinction of species, all of us fodder fueling the appetite of capitalism. Capitalism that relies on growth and energy at all cost to survive. And survive it will even if it means we too, are modified in their image.

Are they people or are we corporations?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Energy vs. Environment

Energy vs. Environment

February 24, 2010 by ppjg

Live link: Horsesavers

by: Frank Mancuso

17% jobless rate! All bets are off. The environment loses. We’re all flying on this airship called Earth trying to survive in a system that must gobble up the resources of the planet to provide for the most people. But provide what?

India and China are American-ising. Rivers are damned, coal is burned, oil fought over. Everyone wants stuff. Stuff creates jobs, so what’s the problem? The more billions of us that are using stuff causes stuff to become harder to get.

America essentially became a super power because of its oil. Vast amounts of cheap, portable energy and enough of it for everyone. We used it, sold it, and invented products with it. We transgressed the world seeking markets cultivating people to become like us. They have. Except now the oil no longer flows from our land but foreign lands. The tidal wave of wealth has washed over us and went back out to sea. Many in the market still trade in wealth but the raw product, cheap energy, is evaporating.

Once it took one barrel of oil to get 100 barrels of oil; the ratio is about 30 for 100 now. Once it takes one barrel to get one barrel, then no amount of money not even $100 billion dollars will get us more.

Do we really want to create more jobs? Grow the economy? Build more highways? Revive the auto industry? Unfortunately radical thinking doesn’t win votes. Only jobs do. That is the one little dirty word that comes at the cost of the environment, species, human health.

Capitalism’s life blood is energy, without it, it dies. Then what? There is no magic bullet; not gas, sun, nuclear, hydrogen, coal, wind. No other energy source is as portable or efficient as oil. It will be fought for more and more and become more and more expensive driving more and more of us to the brink. We’ll cut off our mountain tops, dig in our pristine areas, drill the seas, but cheap energy is never coming back.

I believe in looking back to the past to a time before oil. 100 years ago we lived without it. We may still have electricity if we learn how to rub magnets together without fire but that’s about it. We better start thinking about growing less jobs and more food or maybe just different jobs.

There were several times in our history when the manufacturing sector was at odds with the agricultural sector. The Civil War for instance. As the population of the world doubles, food and water will be the commodity of the future. I’d rather eat than build a highway for new cars with no gas.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Corporations as people in response to a law professor

Corporations should be treated as people. TERRORISTS, for they are. They can kill, maim, with intent and evade prosecution in court because they are not people. Case in point; I have a 20 year old Federal “Clean Water Act” lawsuit against a major corporation in NY. That company deliberately and knowingly discharged Agent Orange chemicals into a public body of water and into my family. Because of my case’s discovery the EPA designated the area a Superfund Site and requires people there to where toxic suits and respirators. The defendant won a series of Summery Judgements arguing in Court for many years the site was not contaminated despite filing tons of documents with the State and Federal Governments proving it was. The Court ruled in their favor every time based mostly on oral comments and letter briefs submitted by an attorney willing to roll the dice, (or political influence). In any case the proof was submitted to the Court in a Fraud on the Court motion but the Court has sat on it for 5 additional years. Seems the corporation is too powerful and would not be able to satisfy the massive fines if the case moved forward so the law is defiled. By the way Lou Gehrig who lived there ate the eels and died of a disease attributed to those chemicals. See Agent Orange. Had this corporation simply been human it could suffer at Guantanamo Bay.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Energy v Environment

Energy v Environment

Virtually all energy comes at some cost to the environment. As we run out of energy the environment will suffer even more beyond any live sustaining scenario. Our planet will become warmer, our mountain tops will be severed, our water polluted, our forests gone. The only clean form of energy electricity is all to often produced by massive pollution. Electricity ultimately may be one of the few sources of energy we have left. We simply have to learn how to rub magnets without fire if we're going to survive the future. How best to do it?

- EQUINE ESCAPE RESCUE LTD, Millbrook, NY Jan 25 @ 05:32PM PST

Monday, February 15, 2010


Very exciting day!Lucky Orphans got it's newest rescue, Sunny. After living at his house for 26 years, he was left alone in the herd from the passing of his mother and sister. After the sad death of his owner, we were contacted by the family and after two months of getting him used to the trailer, he arrived today safe and sound. He spent the day in the sun with 7 other horses , reconnecting with his own kind. Thanks Frank for all your work to get him to this point. We welcome Sunny and plan to give him quality years left living as a horse!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Just a Dumb Horse

Frank M."Just a dumb horse"

3 secs ago
I'm sure we have all heard that statement, and others like their just hay burners. I like to answer in the following way. Consider living outside with no food or shelter for a month, with nothing more then a dumb horse. At the end only the horse will be alive. Yes the hay burner that can work all day simply by eating some of it. A totally environmentally benign energy source that will within 100 years once again be our best means of surviving in a energy depleted planet. Lets pray some haven't been managed to death by our smartness.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Post

Frank M.Corporations

2 secs ago
The Supreme Court recently gave corporations even more power as people with free speech. They already have the exact rights we do in a court of law. I for one have been fighting a major corporation in Federal Court for 20 years. They are terrorists! They maimed and killed people with poisons, not unlike the BLM is doing to our horses. Mismanaged their property as they see best so it's remained a Super Fund Site for 25 years. Similar to the BLM's mismanagement of our land. OH IF THEY WERE TRULLY PEOPLE WE COULD TAKE UP ARMS AND FIGHT THEM.

edit post ..

Sunday, February 7, 2010


"They look upon fraud as a greater crime than theft, and therefore seldom fail to punish it with death; for they alledge, that care and vigilante, with a very common understanding, may preserve a man's goods from thieves; but honesty hat no fence against superior cunning: and since it is necessary that there should be a perpetual intercourse of buying and selling, and dealing upon credit; where fraud is permitted or connived at, or hath no Law to punish it, the honest dealer is always undone and the knave gets the advantage." (from Gulliver's Travels: 'A Voyage to Lilliput')

Friday, February 5, 2010

It's Over

The latest BLM roundup is over. Over 1800 horses riped from out land to be forever penned in or worse at great expense to the taxpayers. All for their own sake? Did anyone ask them? Our us? Their ours as is the land that they were on.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

More BLM Bad News.

Over 100 Wild Mustangs killed to date in the latest round of BLM's removal. They were warned but didn't listen so our horses pay again.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Letter from Senator Charles E. Schumer

Dear Mr. Mancuso:

Thank you for your letter supporting S. 1579, the Restore Our American Mustangs Act. I share your concern about protecting wild horses of the Pryor Mountains, and believe that we must strive to protect wild animals from unnecessary harm.

As you know, S. 1579 would ensure that there is adequate land for wild horses to roam and would also prevent the sale or transport of horses or burros for processing into commercial products. S. 1579 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Although I am not a member of this committee, I will closely monitor this legislation as it makes its way through the Senate.

Animal welfare is personally important to me. I am a co-sponsor of S. 727, the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act of 2009, a bill which would prevent the slaughtered of horses for human consumption. In the 110th Congress, I also cosponsored several bills to protect companion animals: S. 714, the Pet Safety and Protection Act; S. 1880, which would make dog-fighting a federal crime; and S. 2439, which would require the Federal Bureau of Investigation to track animal-cruelty crimes nationwide. Provisions very similar to the Pet Safety and dog-fighting bills were included in the 2008 farm bill, and I am happy to report that they are now law.

I also strongly supported the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act, which passed the Senate and is now federal law and I have pushed the Appropriations Committee to provide funding to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to develop plans for evacuating pets during emergencies, such as should have happened in Hurricane Katrina. In addition, I was proud to support the passage of P.L. 106-152, a law banning the interstate trade in "crush videos." Under this law, it is illegal to engage in the interstate commercial distribution of materials depicting animal cruelty, specifically the crushing of small animals by women wearing high-heeled shoes.

Although I am proud of the accomplishments made on behalf of animal welfare so far, I am aware that there are still many animal welfare issues remaining to be addressed.

Again, thank you for contacting me on this important issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I may be of further assistance on this or any other matter.


Charles E. Schumer

United States Senator

BLM's Funding Increase

The BLM's funding is supports special interests, not our Wild Mustangs.               

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free?

Frank M.59 min ago
"Freedom is just another word when there is nothing else to loose." Freedom in America is freedom for corporations to pollute, to send money off shore, to pay for political campaigns, to control health care, to own our politicians, to be people in a court of law and sadly to eradicate our wild mustangs. No power on earth can push back. BUT although we have lost our freedom and are about to loose the very living symbol of it we are still "THE BRAVE" and will push back regardless of what it costs, until our mustangs win back our freedom.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The air, water and certain lands belong to ALL THE PEOPLE get over it. It took 500 years for mustangs to evolve into what they are and surely would rather die in the teeth of a wolf then as baby back ribs for two. To remove Americans living symbol of freedom for food by locals would be like scraping the Statue of Liberty for copper by New Yorkers.

Deaths Keep Mounting

So far over 40 Wild Mustangs have died as a result of their removal from their land by government contractors. The Secretary of the BLM Salazar fluffs it off by saying "horse advocates are simply emotional." He's DAMN RIGHT WE ARE. It's our land and our horses, not his rancher friends.