Saturday, February 27, 2010

Are We Corporations?

There seems to be some debate as to whether or not corporations are humans; in the eyes of the law they are. They have the same rights as people in a court of law and the Supreme Court has just given them the right of free speech and empowered them to overrule the votes of we mere citizens, by their financial might, to advertise for their choice. They can lobby and buy political influence and often escape violations of law because they are too big to fail and it goes on and on.

But are they really people?

They may be. Every one of us has foreign chemicals in us and for this discussion I will use the man made chemical PCB. The only chemical banned by an act of Congress because it’s toxic at minute levels but what’s even worse is its ability to alter cells and the fact that because its so foreign to nature doesn’t break down but, bio-accumulates in all living things.

As part of Federal litigation that I’m the plaintiff in was a study by St. Johns University that looked at the toxic effects of PCB’s on cells. PCB’s don’t necessarily kill cells as most toxins do, but alter them (cancer) and once altered are altered into infinity to each new generation. Since we all have PCB’s in us and the likelihood of altered cells that we pass to our offspring can we assume that besides our own DNA we are passing the altered DNA that some corporation caused? Are our children therefore modified by a corporation; almost as if they are a third parent?

Crazy as it seems, our DNA is being altered by the irresponsible and deliberate dumping of these chemicals by corporations who would rather do so then spend the money required to dispose of PCB’s properly. CEO’s must report profits to share holders not excuses or high cost cleanups, so they use their influence and power to escape the legal requirements of handling their toxins that generally are dumped and eventually end up in us.

Our country is more and more run by corporations that have even trespassed into our very beings, and as the economy and jobs take center stage the environment will suffer. Our mountains will be severed for coal, our air and water polluted, global warming, extinction of species, all of us fodder fueling the appetite of capitalism. Capitalism that relies on growth and energy at all cost to survive. And survive it will even if it means we too, are modified in their image.

Are they people or are we corporations?

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