Saturday, February 20, 2010

Corporations as people in response to a law professor

Corporations should be treated as people. TERRORISTS, for they are. They can kill, maim, with intent and evade prosecution in court because they are not people. Case in point; I have a 20 year old Federal “Clean Water Act” lawsuit against a major corporation in NY. That company deliberately and knowingly discharged Agent Orange chemicals into a public body of water and into my family. Because of my case’s discovery the EPA designated the area a Superfund Site and requires people there to where toxic suits and respirators. The defendant won a series of Summery Judgements arguing in Court for many years the site was not contaminated despite filing tons of documents with the State and Federal Governments proving it was. The Court ruled in their favor every time based mostly on oral comments and letter briefs submitted by an attorney willing to roll the dice, (or political influence). In any case the proof was submitted to the Court in a Fraud on the Court motion but the Court has sat on it for 5 additional years. Seems the corporation is too powerful and would not be able to satisfy the massive fines if the case moved forward so the law is defiled. By the way Lou Gehrig who lived there ate the eels and died of a disease attributed to those chemicals. See Agent Orange. Had this corporation simply been human it could suffer at Guantanamo Bay.

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