Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Horse Latitudes

As the Spanish came to America they brought their horses, needed for transportation, farming, and  fighting. Hardy, smallish horses bred for endurance made the ocean crossings in the bellies of wooden sailing ships. Bad food, water, crowded smelly and hot. As the ships passed into the doldrums often the weaker horses would be thrown overboard to help the stronger ones make the voyage. Truly they must have been super horses to spend months like that. They arrived and worked in America for friend and foe alike some escaped into the abyss away from mankind's toil and food and breeding. They evolved over five hundred years into The American Mustang. An even hardier survivor that eked out existence off volcano rock and desert by its very social behavior.  Their DNA is the product of survival of the fittest and natural selection. They are the very symbol of American freedom and perseverance. Under the guise of good intentions the BLM is rounding them up to spare them some dire fate as hunger, and will save them by removing them from their legal lands and placing them in pens. Pens that kill them in large numbers while they try and adapt to mankind's stupidity. We must not allow this. Once gone they will never reappear. Write, call. act before it's too late.

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