Sunday, March 28, 2010

One vs. et all

They originated here and were forced to leave. The strong came back in the bellies of ships the weak thrown overboard. They conquered the first Americans, plowed the fields, moved the goods and people. They gained us our freedom, from the British, freed the slaves. Two million went off to WWl, 200 came back. They stared in rodeo’s, movies, fed our dogs. A grateful country gave them some bad lands and weeds for building this place. It’s been a 500 year long journey and they became the most rugged creatures on gods earth. The very symbols of our freedom. Our President more then any man alive should be outraged. Once gone they will never be back. How can it all be taken from them and us by one man?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with all of your comments/posts. If, indeed, Pres. Obama IS a man of his word, then he needs to CHANGE things right now for America's horses....both wild AND domestic!! You are SO right about the statement that when "we" run out of fuel for our vehicles, "if only we hadn't killed off all the horses!!" Man is too hasty in his decisions & actions. Real "horse power" could make a comeback, AND, a VERY "green" comeback at that!!
